Last week we posted some quick tips on twitter to guide you as you write your CFP submission. Posting them here as well:

CFP Submission Tip #1 – Follow CFP instructions and submission format. Give us what we ask for, in the order that we ask for it.

CFP Submission Tip #2 – Details Matter. 4-5 sentences isn’t enough to convince us of your knowledge and expertise on your topic.

CFP Submission Tip #3 – Do your research. If prior art exists, make sure you credit and/or reference that in your submission.

CFP Submission Tip #4 – Naming your talk. Your title should convey what your talk will be about. Catchy is fine, overused phrases should be reconsidered.

CFP Submission Tip #5 – Proofread and Edit. Have someone, or multiple someones, review your submission before you send it to us.

CFP Submission Bonus Tip #6 – Don’t be afraid to ask us questions. We’re happy to help.