Just a head’s up – the Call for Papers Early Bird submission deadline is this Friday, October 16.  If you want to be under early consideration get your papers into us soon.  Don’t have time yet?  Don’t worry -the CFP does not officially close until November 20th.  We should also remindRead More →

The ShmooCon room block at the Washington Hilton is officially open.  Use GROUP code SHMOO to get the conference rate of $182/night.  We’re being told that the hotel is pretty booked outside of our block, so don’t wait to get a room if you’re sure you’re coming to the con.  We’llRead More →

ShmooCon and The Shmoo Group are soliciting papers and presentations for the twelfth annual ShmooCon to be held at the Washington Hilton in Washington D.C. the weekend of January 15, 2016. To those of you who have submitted in the past the call for papers will be familiar. We doRead More →

Because the nuance of what we have been using for the last few years was finally starting to get in the way of clean navigation, we made the jump to something new.  This likely isn’t a permanent solution either, but for now it will get the job done.  Everything shouldRead More →

Yeah it’s happening. We’ve just got about two more weeks of busy family life before we hit the planning in earnest. Dates: January 15-17, 2016 Location: Washington Hilton Start watching for updates to the website around the end of the month.  This includes the CFP and sponsorship information, so toRead More →

The full set of this year’s talks are now up at Archive.org.  Over the next few days we’ll be adding slides, etc but for now it’s just one big long list.  Thanks to Jason Scott and Archive.org for helping us out with this!Read More →