This page was last updated on 9/11/2024.

ShmooCon has always been committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all of our participants. In recent years, that’s taken on a whole new meaning and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to keep this commitment.


  • Masks – Masks must be worn by everyone in attendance at ShmooCon while in ShmooCon space.
    1. Masks should be well-fitting, covering the nose and mouth, and be secure under the chin.
    2. No neck gaiters, open-chin, bandanas, or face coverings containing unfiltered valves, mesh material or holes of any kind.
    3. We highly recommend wearing N95 or KN95 masks for maximum benefit to all. Otherwise, cloth/surgical type masks are ok but should be made with at least 2 layers of appropriate material and, again, should be well fitting, covering the nose and mouth, and be secure under the chin.
    4. A limited number of masks will be available at reg for anyone who might need one.
  • Vaccine Status – ShmooCon 2025 will not have a vaccine requirement. However we encourage all those who can to be up-to-date with their Covid and flu vaccines, not only for your own protection, but for the overall safety of our attendees and for the benefit of our greater community. See the CDC’s current vaccine recommendations here.
  • Hand Washing/Sanitizing – We encourage people to wash their hands frequently, but especially before eating. Hand sanitizing stations will also be available throughout the conference space.


  • If you are not feeling well, please stay home so as not to spread your illness to others.  No one wants to get sick, no matter what it is. Join us on the streams instead.
  • Personal preparation – confirm you have packed several masks and any other mitigation items (nasal sprays, hand sanitizer, etc.)
  • Know your own limits and risk thresholds.


  • First and foremost – respect those around you and do your part to help keep ShmooCon as safe as possible.
  • Do a self-health assessment every day – if you feel sick/have a fever, please do not attend. Don’t put others at risk for illness.
  • Wear your mask appropriately (covering nose and mouth, secure under the chin) at all times while on the con floor.
  • Food and Drink:
    • Briefly removing your mask for a quick drink or to take a quick bite is fine in most con areas. However, holding a beverage and/or food is not an acceptable reason to have your mask off continuously.
    • More specifically, masks may be briefly removed when actively eating but this should only be done when seated or stationary.  Please avoid moving around the conference while consuming your lunch.  In fact, we’d strongly prefer if most eating takes place off the conference floor to help us mitigate risk in this area.
    • No eating or drinking in the main presentation rooms (outside of quick sips of a beverage).
  • Hallway Con:
    • Avoid congregating in large groups (haha, yeah, we know – just do your best)
    • Help us keep doorways, the bottom of the stairs, escalators, etc clear.
  • Outside of Con Space:
    • We strongly suggest you continue to mask if gathering in large groups
    • Otherwise, do your best to be safe in the manner that’s most comfortable for you.

RESOURCES – DC Covid Key Metrics – Weekly US Map: Influenza Summary Update


The hotel suspended operations from April 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021. During this time, several enhancements were made throughout the property including air filter upgrades to all meeting rooms, public areas and guest rooms. Fresh air intake was changed to be 100% outside air.

Rest assured we will continue to work with the Hilton staff to make the space as safe and healthy as possible, leveraging their experience to figure out what has worked and not worked and structure the physical space and the flow of people in the best way possible for our purposes.